How to Choose the Best Bathroom Vanities
First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the interior of the bathroom is of great importance.
Why? — The matter is that as a rule we spend a lot of our time not only in the kitchen, but in the bathroom as well. And on how cozy, comfortable and convenient it will be, the mood with which we leave our home is depended.
Believe you or not but the spirit is mostly created in the bathroom. It happens before and after the shower, which we are taking and in front of the mirror which we see our reflection in. All these almost intimate activities are in this compact premise and that is an explanation, why it has to be a particular one.
What are the peculiar features of modern vanities?
The standard set of furniture in the bathroom usually includes such items as a sink with a cabinet, an additional floor cupboard, a mirror, a hanging locker, a small wardrobe, as well as a laundry basket and some shelves for towels. However, in most cases everything is restricted by the bathroom size.
Nowadays due to the technical development we can find a lot of things specially adapted for installation in this part of our home. And you are really lucky if your dwelling is something like a spacious private house with a huge bathroom. It simultaneously means that you can safely arrange even a tanning cabin inside, if you like.
Special requirements
Vanities, designed for the bathroom must necessarily meet the main three parameters:
- resistance to constant moisture;
- functionality;
- attractive appearance.
Taking into account these facts, it is desirable to focus on the products of well-known brands, which have been specializing in the production of such furniture for a long time.
Let's check the quality of vanities
Despite the fact that all manufacturers assure consumers of the quality of their products, at the same time, performance characteristics do not very often correspond to their advertising descriptions. But we are glad to inform you that there are some respectful ways to check the bathroom furniture quality.
Here is our list:
- Pay attention to how smooth the paint is. Mind that there shouldn't be any stains;
- And now let's talk about various accessories. In most cases it is recommended to give preference to furniture with metal chrome elements, loops, hooks, handles, canopies, legs, etc. Why? — The matter is that they are able to have their perfect appearance for a long time, unlike, for example, the plastic ones, which look attractively for no loner than two months;
- Be careful with the sink and look at it very thoroughly. — Some things may have hidden chips or dents. Even if you do not see them by eye, we recommend you to check by ear by slight tapping with a metal object. You see, there should be a pleasant ringing then everything is okay. But if you hear a dull sound, it means that the item has some cracks somewhere.
Some rules of design for your vanities
The rules of the interior creation depend on your personal preferences. As well as the furniture choice is done by each person individually.
As you can understand bathroom is the place where we are left alone with the surrounding things, so they should be pleasant for sure. Accordingly, first of all the interior should please the owner of the house and his/her family members. In other words, you need to orient yourself in this matter to your own, and not to another's taste. As for the convenience and functionality of the chosen vanities, there are some recommendations.
- If you have the heated floors in your bathroom, it would be better to buy a locker or a pedestal on the legs;
- The tub with the sink should not be installed close to the side wall and the bath. This will allow saving the appearance of the furniture in the best, in addition, it will facilitate the cleaning of the premise;
- You should also pay close attention to the choice of cabinets. In this situation the decisive role is played by the area of the bathroom, and if it is small, it is better to give preference to high narrow lockers. If the area of the bathroom is large, then it would be ideally to have two toilets: for the owners and for the guests. In the hosts' bathroom it would be appropriate to arrange a shower, as well as a bath, a washroom and laundry zones.
How to choose vanities for a small dwelling
However, in typical modern apartments, it is almost impossible to implement this plan. Because of this, various complex constructions has acquired special popularity. In their designs the things, which are considered to be incompatible at first glance: multifunctional lockers and shelves, a table top with a washbasin and mirrors.
It is very convenient when there are niches in the bathroom room, the large-sized constructions will look quite harmoniously inside then.
In the question of how to choose the proper vanities, there can be no any definite pieces of advice, because it all depends on the individual's imagination. However, the ideal solution is still the choice of a set of furniture, which facilitates the design of the bathroom, keeps it in the same style and color palette. And how this style will look like: a strict classics or a clear geometry: it is up to you to decide.
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